
Pymerkle is unopinionated on how leaves are appended to the tree, i.e., how entries should be stored in concrete. “Leaves” is an abstraction for the contiguously indexed data which the tree operates upon, no matter what their concrete form in persistent or volatile memory is. Specifying how to store entries and how to encode them (so that they become amenable to hashing operations) belongs to the particular application logic and amounts to implementing the internal storage interface presented in this section.


A Merkle-tree implementation is a concrete subclass of the BaseMerkleTree abstract base class. The latter encapsulates the cryptographic functionality in a storage agnostic fashion, i.e., without making assumptions about how entries are stored and accessed. It operates on top of an abstract storage interface, which is to be implemented by any concrete subclass:

from pymerkle import BaseMerkleTree

class MerkleTree(BaseMerkleTree):

    def __init__(self, algorithm='sha256'):
        Storage setup and superclass initialization

    def _encode_entry(self, data):
        Prepares data entry for hashing

    def _store_leaf(self, data, digest):
        Stores data hash in a new leaf and returns index

    def _get_leaf(self, index):
        Returns the hash stored by the leaf specified

    def _get_leaves(self, offset, width):
        Returns hashes corresponding to the specified leaf range

    def _get_size(self):
        Returns the current number of leaves
  • _encode_entry: converts data entry to binary, so that it becomes amenable to hashing.

  • _store_leaf: stores the output of hashing alogn with the original entry and returns the leaf index.

  • _get_leaf: leaf hash by index (counting from one)

  • _get_leaves: an iterable of the leaf hashes corresponding to the specified range

  • _get_size: current tree size (number of leaves).

Various strategies are here possible. For example, data entry could be further processed by _store_leaf in order to conform to a given database schema and have the hash value stored in the appropriate table. Or, if a predefined schema is given that does not make space for hashes, the hash value could be forwarded to a dedicated datastore for future access; _get_leaf and _get_leaves would then have to access that separate datastore in order to make available the hash value.


It is important to implement _get_leaves as efficiently as possible depending on your working framework. See Optimizations for details.

Here the exact interface to be implemented:

# pymerkle/

class BaseMerkleTree(MerkleHasher, metaclass=ABCMeta):

   def _encode_entry(self, data):
       Should return the binary format of the provided data entry.

       :param data: data to encode
       :type data: whatever expected according to application logic
       :rtype: bytes

   def _store_leaf(self, data, digest):
       Should create a new leaf storing the provided data entry along with
       its hash value.

       :param data: data entry
       :type data: whatever expected according to application logic
       :param digest: hashed data
       :type digest: bytes
       :returns: index of newly appended leaf counting from one
       :rtype: int

   def _get_leaf(self, index):
       Should return the hash stored at the specified leaf.

       :param index: leaf index counting from one
       :type index: int
       :rtype: bytes

   def _get_leaves(self, offset, width):
       Should return in respective order the hashes stored by the leaves in
       the specified range.

       :param offset: starting position counting from zero
       :type offset: int
       :param width: number of leaves to consider
       :type width: int
       :rtype: iterable of bytes

   def _get_size(self):
       Should return the current number of leaves

       :rtype: int


Pymerkle provides out of the box the following concrete implementations of BaseMerkleTree.

In memory


This is a very memory inefficient implementation. Use it for debugging, testing and investigating the tree structure.

InmemoryTree is a non-persistent implementation where nodes reside in runtime.

from pymerkle import InmemoryTree

tree = InmemoryTree(algorithm='sha256')

Data is expected to be provided in binary:

index = tree.append_entry(b'foo')

It is hashed without further processing and can be accessed as follows:

data = tree.leaves[index - 1].entry
assert data == b'foo'

State coincides with the value of the current root-node:

assert tree.get_state() == tree.root.value

Nodes have a right, left and parent attribute, pointing to their right child, left child and parent node respectively. (Leaf nodes have no children, whereas the current root-node has no parent). These linkages allow for concrete path traversals. For example, the following loop detects the root-node starting from the first leaf of a non-empty tree:

leaf = tree.leaves[0]

curr = leaf
while curr.parent:
  curr = curr.parent

assert curr == tree.root

Concrete path traversals are used under the hood for visualizing the tree by means of printing:

>>> print(tree)



SqliteTree uses a SQLite database to persistently store entries. It is a wrapper of sqlite3, suitable for leightweight applications that do not require separate server processes for the database.

from pymerkle import SqliteTree

tree = SqliteTree('merkle.db')

This opens a connection to the provided database, which will also be created if not already existent.


The database schema consists of a single table called leaf with two columns: index, which is the primary key serving as leaf index, and entry, which is a blob field storing the appended data.

Data is expected to be provided in binary:

index = tree.append_entry(b'foo')

It is hashed without further processing and can be accessed as follows:

data = tree.get_entry(index)
assert data == b'foo'

In order to efficiently append multiple entries at once, you can do the following:

entries = [f'entry-{i + 1}'.encode() for i in range(100000)]

tree.append_entries(entries, chunksize=1024)

where chunksize controls the number of insertions per database transaction (defaults to 100,000).

It is suggested to close the connection to the database when ready:


Alternatively, initialize the tree as context-manager to ensure that this will be done without taking explicit care:

with SqliteTree('merkle.db') as tree:



The following exaples are only for the purpose of reference and understanding

Simple list

This is a simple non-persistent implementation utilizing a list as storage. It expects entries to be strings, which it encodes in utf-8 before hashing.

from pymerkle import BaseMerkleTree

class MerkleTree(BaseMerkleTree):

    def __init__(self, algorithm='sha256'):
        self.hashes = []


    def _encode_entry(self, data):
        return data.encode('utf-8')

    def _store_leaf(self, data, digest):
        self.hashes += [digest]

        return len(self.hashes)

    def _get_leaf(self, index):
        value = self.hashes[index - 1]

        return value

    def _get_leaves(self, offset, width):
        values = self.hashes[offset: offset + width]

        return values

    def _get_size(self):
        return len(self.hashes)

Unix DBM

This is a hasty implementing using dbm to persistently store entries in a "merkledb" file. It expects strings as entries and encodes them in utf-8 before hashing.

import dbm
from pymerkle import BaseMerkleTree

class MerkleTree(BaseMerkleTree):

    def __init__(self, algorithm='sha256'):
        self.dbfile = 'merkledb'
        self.mode = 0o666

        with, 'c', mode=self.mode) as db:


    def _encode_entry(self, data):
        return data.encode('utf-8')

    def _store_leaf(self, data, digest):
        with, 'w', mode=self.mode) as db:
            index = len(db) + 1
            db[hex(index)] = b'|'.join(data, digest)

        return index

    def _get_leaf(self, index):
        with, 'r', mode=self.mode) as db:
            value = db[hex(index)].split(b'|')[1]

        return value

    def _get_leaves(self, offset, width):
        values = []
        with, 'r', mode=self.mode) as db:
            for index in range(offset + 1, width + 1):
                value = db[hex(index)].split(b'|')[index]
                values += [value]

        return value

    def _get_size(self):
        with, 'r', mode=self.mode) as db:
            size = len(db)

        return size

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