Public API


Although pymerkle comes with concrete tree implementations, its primary purpose is to provide an abstract base class that encapsulates the cryptographic functionality of a Merkle-tree:

from pymerkle import BaseMerkleTree

Concrete implementations should inherit from this class and implement its internal abstract interface. This amounts to customizing leaf storage according to any desired application logic.

Superclass initialization

Initialization of BaseMerkleTree accepts the options shown below:

class MerkleTree(BaseMerkleTree):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

            capacity=1024 ** 3

  • algorithm: specifies the hash function used by the tree. Defaults to sha256.

  • disable_security: if True, resistance against second-preimage attack will be deactivated. Use it only for testing or debugging purposes. Defaults to False.

  • disable_optimizations: if True, low-level computations will fallback to recursive unoptimized functions, similar to those described in RFC 9162. Use it for comparison purposes. Defaults to False.

  • disable_cache: if True, the results of optimized low-level computations will not be cached. Use it for comparison purposes. Defaults to False.

  • theshold: specifies which outputs of a low-level computation must be cached depending on the input of the computation. Refer here for the exact meaning of this parameter. Defaults to 128.

  • capacity: cache capacity in bytes. Defaults to 1GiB (which should be overabundant for any imaginable use case).

See here to see how to implement a Merkle-tree in detail.

Supported hash functions

sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512

Support for Keccak beyond SHA3

Installing pysha3 makes available following hash functions:

keccak_224, keccak_256, keccak_384, keccak_512


Requesting anything except for these raises a ValueError.

Concrete classes

Pymerkle provides two concrete implementations of BaseMerkleTree out of the box.

InmemoryTree is a non-persistent implementation where nodes are stored at runtime, intended for investigating and visualising the tree structure:

from pymerkle import InmemoryTree

tree = InmemoryTree(algorithm='sha256')

SqliteTree is a persistent implementation using a SQLite database as storage, intended for leightweight local applications:

from pymerkle import SqliteTree

tree = SqliteTree('merkle.db', algorithm='sha256')

This will open a connection to the specified database file (after creating it if not already existent). Alternatively, you can create an in-memory database as follows:

tree = SqliteTree(':memory:', algorithm='sha256')

Both trees are designed to accept data in binary format and hash it without further processing. See here for more details on these classes.


Entries are appended to the tree as leaves with contiguously increasing index. The exact type of entries depends on the particular implementation.


In what follows, it is assumed without loss of generality that the tree accepts data in binary format and hashes it without further processing.

Apending an entry returns the index of the corresponding leaf (counting from one):

>>> tree.append_entry(b'foo')
>>> tree.append_entry(b'bar')

The index of a leaf can be used to retrieve the corresponding hash value:

>>> tree.get_leaf(1)
>>> tree.get_leaf(2)

Hash computation

Sometimes it is useful to be able to compute independently the hash value assigned to an data entry. For example, in order to verify the inclusion proof for an entry (see below) we need to know its hash value, which can be computed without querying the tree directly (provided that its binary format can be inferred according to some known contract).

To do so, we need to configure a standalone hasher that uses the same hash function as the tree and applies the same security policy:

from pymerkle.hasher import MerkleHasher

hasher = MerkleHasher(tree.algorithm,

The commutation between index and entry is

assert tree.get_leaf(1) == hasher.hash_entry(b'foo')


The size of the tree is the current number of leaves (i.e., data entries):

>>> tree.get_size()

It coincides with the index of the last appended leaf.


The state of the tree is uniquely determined by its current root-hash. This can be retrieved as follows:

>>> tree.get_state()

The root-hash of any intermediate state can be retrieved by providing the corresponding size:

>>> tree.get_state(2)

By convention, the empty tree state is the hash of the empty string:

>>> tree.get_state(0) == tree.hash_empty(b'')


Pymerke is capable of generating proofs of inclusion and proofs of consistency. Both are modeled by the verifiable MerkleProof object.


Given any intermediate state, an inclusion proof is a path of hashes proving that a certain data entry has been appended at some previous moment and that the tree has not been afterwards tampered. Below the inclusion proof for the 3-rd entry against the state corresponding to the first 5 leaves:

proof = tree.prove_inclusion(3, 5)

The second argument is optional and defaults to the current tree size. Verification proceeds as follows:

from pymerkle import verify_inclusion

base = tree.get_leaf(3)
root = tree.get_state(5)

verify_inclusion(base, root, proof)

This checks that the path of hashes is indeed based on the acclaimed hash and that it resolves to the acclaimed state. Trying to verify against a forged base or state would raise an InvalidProof error:

>>> from pymerkle.hasher import MerkleHasher
>>> hasher = MerkleHasher(tree.algorithm,
>>> forged = hasher.hash_raw(b'random')
>>> verify_inclusion(forged, root, proof)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymerkle.proof.InvalidProof: Base hash does not match
>>> verify_inclusion(base, forged, proof)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymerkle.proof.InvalidProof: State does not match


Given any two intermediate states, a consistency proof is a path of hashes proving that the second is a valid later state of the first, i.e., that the tree has not been tampered with in the meanwhile. Below the consistency proof for the states with three and five leaves respectively:

proof = tree.prove_consistency(3, 5)

The second argument is optional and defaults to the current tree size. Verification proceeds as follows:

from pymerkle import verify_consistency

state1 = tree.get_state(3)
state2 = tree.get_state(5)

verify_consistency(state1, state2, proof)

This checks that an appropriate subpath of the included path of hashes resolves to the acclaimed prior state and the path of hashes as a whole resolves to the acclaimed later state. Trying to verify against forged states would raise an InvalidProof error:

>>> from pymerkle.hasher import MerkleHasher
>>> hasher = MerkleHasher(tree.algorithm,
>>> forged = hasher.hash_raw(b'random')
>>> verify_consistency(forged, state2, proof)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymerkle.proof.InvalidProof: Prior state does not match
>>> verify_consistency(state1, forged, proof)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pymerkle.proof.InvalidProof: Later state does not match


A MerkleProof object can be serialized as follows:

data = proof.serialize()

This yields a JSON entity similar to this one:

  "metadata": {
      "algorithm": "sha256",
      "security": true,
      "size": 5
  "rule": [
  "subset": [],
  "path": [

The metadata section contains the parameters required for configuring the verification hasher (algorithm and security) along with the size of the state against which the proof was requested (size). The latter can be used in order to request the acclaimed state needed for proof verification (if not otherwise available). Rule determines parenthetization of hashes during path resolution and subset selects the hashes resolving to the acclaimed prior state (makes sense only for consistency proofs).

The verifiable proof-object can be retrieved as follows:

from pymerkle import MerkleProof

proof = MerkleProof.deserialize(data)